The first transmatıonal meeting of the project was held on 28 February 2022. Representatives from Gazi University from Turkey, ZİÇEV from Turkey, Hacettepe University from Turkey, Stichting Christeluke Hogeschool Windesheim from the Netherlands, ITA-Suomen Yliopisto from Finland, and PIKOMTEK from Turkey attended the meeting.
The partners of the Project met to discuss the status of the Project. Necdet Karasu from PİKOMTEK made a presentation about the project progress and the telephone application. Asuman Erdem from ZIÇEV gave another presentation about effective management strategies and the importance of paperwork and accountkeeping for a transparent procedure.
Firstly, the partners made comments and contributions about the project’s progress. They evaluated the current situation and decided on what we needed to focus on more. Following that, the partners helped each other with managerial topics.
Thanks to the partners from Windesheim University for this perfectly organized meeting.
Necdet Karasu, Gazi University
Sui Lin Goei, Hogeschool Windesheim
Eija Kärnä, ITA-Suomen Yliopisto
Asuman Erdem, ZİÇEV